Ed: Age N Biden - News Summed Up

Ed: Age N Biden

https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/02/06/opinion/thepoint/krugman-biden-age?smid=url-shareI am two years older than Joe Biden. Like my hero Paul Krugman, I am disgusted by the tactics of the Republicans, who can’t find anything convincingly wrong with Biden’s performance (sterling in my view) so like everything else they do, they make stuff up by creating misinformation about his age. Actually, I’ve become sensitized to discriminatory baseless BS about age. Joe Biden has drawn on decades of foreign policy experience to steer a steady course through the mess in Gaza and the even more threatening machinations of the Republican hero running Russia these days. If this is age-induced incompetence then we need more of it.

Source: New York Times February 10, 2024 17:39 UTC

