Tremors were felt across the NCR on Friday as a medium intensity earthquake of magnitude-4.5 hit Rohtak in Haryana. The National Centre for Seismology said that the quake occurred at a depth of 5 km at 9.08 p.m.“Earthquake of Magnitude:4.5, Occurred on 29-05-2020, 21:08:40 IST, Lat: 28.8 & Long: 76.7, Depth: 5 Km ,Location: 14km SE of Rohtak, Haryana, India,” the NCS tweeted. No report of any damage or injury was reported. There have been a series of mild earthquakes close to the the capital the last one occurring on May 5. There were two mild quakes on April 12 and April 13 as well with an epicenter near the National Capital.
Source: The Hindu May 29, 2020 16:52 UTC