Earl's daughter living in council flat loses claim to bigger share of £1.3m fortune - News Summed Up

Earl's daughter living in council flat loses claim to bigger share of £1.3m fortune

But after he left her £20,000, Lady Tara sued for a bigger payout so she could buy her house and begin a career in the art world. Dismissing her claim, Judge John Linwood said it was her own fault that she became estranged, citing her “drink-and-drug” lifestyle, which her dad loathed. While Lady Tara, of Gospel Oak, North London, had tried to reconcile, the split had been “mutual”, he told the High Court. In an outburst in her 20s – recalled by step-sister Heidi Iratcabal and accepted by the judge – Lady Tara said she “hated” the family’s “superior attitudes”. He married four times, and Lady Tara had stormy relationships with her step-mothers, the court heard earlier.

Source: Daily Mirror January 11, 2019 23:26 UTC

