EU responds allegations of funding migrant abuse in N. Africa - News Summed Up

EU responds allegations of funding migrant abuse in N. Africa

On Monday night, Lighthouse Reports, an investigative news organisation, published a report detailing how "With Europe's support, North African nations push migrants to the desert." "Europe supports, finances, and is directly involved in clandestine operations in North African countries to dump tens of thousands of black people in the desert or remote areas each year to prevent them from coming to the EU." The EU's efforts to have African countries stem migration flows across the Mediterranean align with a newly agreed overhaul of the bloc's asylum rules. Lighthouse Reports said it interviewed more than 50 black migrants — all of them from sub-Saharan Africa and West Africa — who had been expelled from the three North African countries. Morocco, Tunisia, and Mauritania have not officially addressed this recent investigation.

Source: The North Africa Journal May 22, 2024 13:32 UTC

