EO Day: Celebrating the Positive Impacts of Employee Ownership in the UK - News Summed Up

EO Day: Celebrating the Positive Impacts of Employee Ownership in the UK

June 23 is EO Day, which is an annual opportunity to showcase the employee ownership (EO) sector in the UK. Increase in Employee Ownership Trust (EOT) transactionsThe increase in successions into an employee ownership trust (EOT) continues apace. The Employee Ownership Association publishes its annual data for the sector on EO Day which will show the state of play in June 2023. Broad-based Employee ownership in PE-backed portfolio companiesAn important recent development in the US is the implementation of broad-based employee ownership programmes in portfolio companies which are majority held by private-equity firms. There is significant interest in employee ownership from a variety of stakeholders and all three main political parties in the UK are generally supportive of broad-based employee ownership.

Source: The Guardian June 23, 2023 14:44 UTC

