EDITORIAL: Sex education to protect the youth - News Summed Up

EDITORIAL: Sex education to protect the youth

EDITORIAL: Sex education to protect the youthThe Legislature’s Social Welfare and Environmental Hygiene Committee on Wednesday finished a preliminary review of amendments to the Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act (兒童及少年性剝削防制條例), but left some key issues for cross-party negotiations. Sex education is mostly given by regurgitating facts from textbooks without discussions, and students in romantic relationships are often told they should consider breaking up, the survey said. The government should work with schools and civic groups in bridging the gap between the sex education policy and its implementation, by dispelling myths and disinformation, and providing specialized training and support to teachers. They should also calm parents’ concerns by explaining to them what sex education is and how it can better protect children. Ignoring and depriving children of access to adequate information on sex and relationships puts them at risk of learning from unreliable sources and becoming victims.

Source: Taipei Times May 06, 2024 03:47 UTC

