EDITORIAL: No place for bigots - News Summed Up

EDITORIAL: No place for bigots

EDITORIAL: No place for bigotsNational Taiwan University (NTU) has come under fire after an offensive set of proposals by two students running for president and vice president of the student council caused an uproar over the weekend. This and similar incidents in the past reveal underlying issues in Taiwan’s education system, social environment and right to free speech. As Taiwan has a test-oriented education system, pre-college students spend most of their time studying, taking exams and going to cram schools. As a result, students who get into top-ranking universities, such as NTU, usually share a similar privileged background and educational experience. In a similar manner, NTU should expel or mete out equivalent punishments to the two students.

Source: Taipei Times May 25, 2023 21:47 UTC

