EDITORIAL: Ko and his tone-deaf ‘white’ partyJust when you thought that former Taipei mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) and his Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) could not be any more tone deaf, they leave everyone dumbstruck with another inexplicable exploit. As the commenters pointed out, the phrase would immediately be understood as supportive of far-right white supremacist politics, which is not what the party intended. As some commenters said, not even Trump would dare mouth such a blatantly white supremacist slogan. In its defense, it said Taiwan does not have the concept of white supremacy, and that the implication was unintended. Putting aside that the tendrils of white supremacy reach everywhere, manifesting most commonly in Taiwan as white privilege, this incident reflects extremely poorly on the TPP for multiple reasons.
Source: Taipei Times July 31, 2023 17:42 UTC