EDITORIAL: Gou’s to be or not to be moment - News Summed Up

EDITORIAL: Gou’s to be or not to be moment

EDITORIAL: Gou’s to be or not to be momentThe nationwide buzz over a potential joint opposition presidential bid between the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) stands in contrast to its moribund state, with signs of the negotiations heading for a breakdown. In Gou’s case, it is vacillating between seeing his independent campaign through to the end or calling it quits. According to polling, if either Ko or Hou win over Gou’s supporters, the effect would amount to a support rate increase of about 7 to 10 percentage points. Furthermore, Gou and the KMT see eye to eye on a host of issues, including economic development and cross-strait policy. Gou’s Hamlet moment could become a turning point in the campaign for either the KMT or the TPP.

Source: Taipei Times November 09, 2023 21:39 UTC

