EDITORIAL: Adjusting to post-pandemic lifeThe Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) on Monday removed the table dividers between its officials at its daily news conference — a symbolic gesture to encourage society to return to “normal” in the post-COVID-19 era — as it announced the easing next month of more COVID-19 restrictions. Although reporting daily caseloads could serve as a public reminder to take necessary precautions, many people have grown tired of the rigid format of the center’s data presentation. The center could address people’s concerns about the border reopening and easing of restrictions, as some might become anxious and be hesitant to stop preventive measures. The CECC should try new forms of public health messaging to make people feel safe returning to pre-pandemic activities, without questioning whether they are contravening rules or exposing themselves to increased risk of infection. The CECC, in collaboration with other ministries, can help people readjust to post-pandemic life with tips and advice on situations that are relatable to the public.
Source: Taipei Times October 29, 2022 16:48 UTC