Dying woman donates eyes in hope of seeing long-missing son again - News Summed Up

Dying woman donates eyes in hope of seeing long-missing son again

HONG KONG: A dying woman in central China offered her corneas for transplant in the hope of gazing on her son from beyond the grave more than two decades after he went missing, according to a local newspaper report. Wang Shiqun, from Yibin city in Sichuan province, died last week aged 55 after battling breast cancer for almost a decade. Her son, Zhu Hai, was aged nine and living with his father after the couple’s divorce when he went missing after leaving school to walk home at 5pm on June 4, 1996. Wang was not in Yibin at the time, the report said, and says she does not know details of the incident, including what her son was wearing. In 2010, Wang was diagnosed with breast cancer, and before an operation in October she mentioned donating her corneas for the first time.

Source: New Strait Times April 13, 2018 08:37 UTC

