During the rescue operations after Hussaini building collapsed on Pakmodia street in Mumbai’s Nagpada area last month, Iqbal Kaskar, the most famous resident of the adjacent Dambarwala building, broke his long silence to the media. Little was known about Iqbal, the fifth of Dawood’s 11 siblings, before he was deported from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in March 2003. While Mustakin shifted to Karachi briefly to avoid the heat in Dubai, Iqbal came back to Mumbai, little knowing what was in store from him. Read: Dawood Ibrahim’s brother Iqbal Kaskar arrested in Mumbai in extortion caseSoon after his deportation, he was booked in two cases of murder and land-grabbing. Analysts said it was more a signal to Dawood and Iqbal than any real desire to kill Iqbal.
Source: Hindustan Times September 19, 2017 07:52 UTC