Doug Ford open to talking about funding Phase 3 LRT for Ottawa - News Summed Up

Doug Ford open to talking about funding Phase 3 LRT for Ottawa

Ontario Premier Doug Ford is keeping the door open when it comes to talks about funding a west-end light rail transit extension for Ottawa. The premier was in town on Friday to ink the provincial government's $1.2-billion contribution towards the Stage 2 LRT project. During the funding announcement, Ford was asked whether his government would commit to filling in that last big piece. "Let's get Phase 2 done and we'll talk about Phase 3, but I'm always committed to great transit especially in a great city like Ottawa and the surrounding region," he responded. The project, now estimated to cost $4.66 billion, will extend light rail to the city's growing suburbs.

Source: CBC News March 23, 2019 14:37 UTC

