Dogara mourns pupils in Lagos school building collapse - News Summed Up

Dogara mourns pupils in Lagos school building collapse

Leke Baiyewu, AbujaThe Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr Yakubu Dogara, has expressed “deep sadness” over the death of pupils following the collapse of Ohen School on the Lagos Island on Wednesday. He said, “This is one too many of these building collapses that usually claim lives of innocent people. It is time for decisive actions to be taken against all found culpable in breach of building standards that end up in disasters. While this has not been established as the cause of this incident yet, past incidents have pointed to this as a serious factor. “I commiserate with the families of the deceased and pray that their souls rest in peace.”DOWNLOAD THE PUNCH NEWS APP NOW ON

Source: Punch March 13, 2019 18:56 UTC

