Do we overhype the US election? - News Summed Up
Do we overhype the US election?

Do we overhype the US election?

November 05, 2024 05:18 UTC

Trending Today

Do we overhype the US election?

Every four years, the international media works itself into a frenzy over the fate of the US presidential race. The election determines the US president, often seen as one of the most influential leaders in the world. However, while the US election symbolises democratic norms, other American polls, like the midterm election of Congress's lower house – the House of Representatives - hold less significance and do not substantially impact international politics. When India held its 19th election last May, there was some stir in the realm of international politics. Despite the scope and competitiveness of the polls, the international media attention given to the Indian election is much more limited than the US polls.

Source: bd News24 November 05, 2024 05:18 UTC

