Disneyland float collapse launches Santa off sled during parade - News Summed Up

Disneyland float collapse launches Santa off sled during parade

Here comes Santa Claus, right off Santa Claus’ sleigh. COUPLE VISITS DISNEY WORLD, DISNEYLAND ON SAME DAY: 'IT WAS INCREDIBLE'Kris Kringle found himself in a precarious position during the Christmas Fantasy Parade down Disneyland’s Main Street U.S.A. on Saturday. According to WDWNT, the sleigh broke during the parade and launched Mr. Claus right out of his seat. He was left dangling by his safety harness while he waited for crew members to help him down. The mishap delayed the parade, but no one was reportedly injured by the float collapse.

Source: Fox News December 16, 2018 19:07 UTC

