Disabled Sri Lankan women twice as disadvantaged as men: UN study - News Summed Up

Disabled Sri Lankan women twice as disadvantaged as men: UN study

Disabled Sri Lankan women twice as disadvantaged as men: UN study View(s):A study by the United Nations Women (UN Women) said that people with disabilities in Sri Lanka encounter multiple barriers in accessing economic opportunities, and women with disabilities are twice as disadvantaged when entering the work force. Although the 2012 Census found that there are more women with disabilities than men across all age groups, the UN study has shown that women with disabilities comprised only 15% of persons with disabilities. In a study that included 400 persons with disabilities, covering four districts, it had been found that they encountered multiple barriers in accessing economic opportunities. A set of recommendations made in the report also promotes creating an inclusive, accessible and enabling social environment for women with disabilities. In addition, the report recommends gender-sensitive key performance indicators in Budget Call Circulars to be expanded to include disability dimensions wherever relevant.

Source: Sunday Times February 10, 2019 10:52 UTC

