Dinosaur bill unearths new concern among archeologists about outdated fossil laws - News Summed Up

Dinosaur bill unearths new concern among archeologists about outdated fossil laws

Chris Van BuskirkState House News ServiceBOSTON - There's an issue brewing just under the surface and the main subjects are really, really old. Barnas Monteith, the head of the Massachusetts State Science and Engineering Fair and paleontologist, has been involved in the state dinosaur initiative. Alfred Venne of the Amherst College Beneski Museum of Natural History and Bassett Planetarium helped with the state dinosaur initiative. State laws, McMenamin said, mostly gives priority to the owner of the land where the artifact is found. As far as promulgating new laws, Monteith said, the idea "is not to come down on everybody" and discourage exploration.

Source: MetroXpress July 23, 2021 15:33 UTC

