Did Esther Arunga ask Kenyans for forgiveness in tweet? - News Summed Up

Did Esther Arunga ask Kenyans for forgiveness in tweet?

In a tweet that has received more than 321 retweets, 110 quote tweets and 1500 likes, a fake account (@EstherArunga_) impersonating former TV personality tweeted Esther Arunga tweeted asking Kenya for forgiveness as she plans to come home. It was on that day that Arunga would resign from her job as an anchor at KTN. After her release on March 3, 2010, Arunga would get married to Quincy who was still in custody. It's in 2014, the couple’s first-born child died after what was first termed an accident but would later come to be revealed as murder by her husband Quincy Timberlake. Arunga would later testify that she went into the bathroom to find her husband driving blows into her son’s stomach saying “there is a devil in his stomach”.

Source: Standard Digital September 18, 2020 09:11 UTC

