Diary of a Gen Z Student: Young people aren't going to solve the climate crisis - we can barely cope with paper straws - News Summed Up

Diary of a Gen Z Student: Young people aren't going to solve the climate crisis - we can barely cope with paper straws

By the time I’ve taken the obligatory photo of said coffee, that paper straw is but a distant memory. Look, I love sea turtles as much as the next girl, but don’t lie to me by saying that a paper straw will work just like a plastic one. And yes, we might also drink oat milk in our coffee, ‘because it produces fewer greenhouse gases that regular milk’. But I think drinking oat milk is a bit like training for a marathon; no one would do it if you couldn’t tell people about it. I can be a big girl, drink something with a paper straw.

Source: Irish Examiner March 01, 2024 11:48 UTC

