Diabetes may cause vision loss, but this new find can help avoid this complication - News Summed Up

Diabetes may cause vision loss, but this new find can help avoid this complication

A new finding can help put off the disabling vision loss among patients with diabetes. Diabetic retinopathy is considered one of the most disabling complications of diabetes and the leading cause of new cases of vision loss among adults. Blood vessels in the retina are closely connected by structures called tight junctions, which are part of the blood-retinal barrier, a virtually impenetrable wall. “When this becomes unbalanced, the vessels leak and become fragile, leading to the development of diabetic retinopathy,” Busik said. “Incorporating more of the long-chain lipids into the eye could potentially be a new treatment down the road and involve injections or even eye drops,” she said.

Source: Hindustan Times April 07, 2018 08:37 UTC

