Democracy and Democratic Institutions - News Summed Up
Democracy and Democratic Institutions

Democracy and Democratic Institutions

February 23, 2021 06:00 UTC

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Democracy and Democratic Institutions

Democracy and Democratic InstitutionsBy Abel MerawiFebruary 22, 2021 ( -- Every political system rests on a fictional or concrete foundation of ideologies that enforce their rule. To test if institutions in the government (not political leaders) in Ethiopia are democratic, let us pose a series of questions. If your responses are positive to these questions, you are lucky to live in a country with democratic institutions. Even in countries that claim to be democratic, we see failure in building a healthy bureaucracy with democratic institutions. When democratic institutions are in place, the personalized and ethical desires of any political leader, will not be able to penetrate through the system and disrupt the country.

Source: Ethiopian News February 23, 2021 06:00 UTC

