Demands to Halt UK Trade Talks and Arms Sales with Israel As Netanyahu Faces Potential Arrest Over War Crimes Claims - News Summed Up

Demands to Halt UK Trade Talks and Arms Sales with Israel As Netanyahu Faces Potential Arrest Over War Crimes Claims

The ICC alleges that Netanyahu and Gallant bear criminal responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza in its response to the 7 October Hamas terror attacks last year. They are also accused of “wilfully” causing great suffering, serious injury, and cruel treatment, which are classified as war crimes. Don’t miss a story SIGN UP TO EMAIL UPDATESThe ICC charges include wilful killing and murder as war crimes, with specific reference to attacks on Gaza’s civilian population. “Any independent analysis of the evidence will result in an overwhelming appreciation that Israel has engaged in the most serious of war crimes. “Israel is committing horrific war crimes with the aid of UK military equipment.

Source: The Times May 20, 2024 14:15 UTC

