Dell Empowers Modern Workplaces with AI Innovations - News Summed Up

Dell Empowers Modern Workplaces with AI Innovations

Dell Technologies is poised to unveil the most expansive range of commercial AI laptops and mobile workstations, aimed at ushering organizations and employee productivity into the AI era. The NPU introduces an AI acceleration engine capable of handling more dedicated AI tasks, thereby freeing up the CPU and GPU for other functions. Dell boasts of offering the world’s most intelligent, manageable, and secure commercial PCs. Key initiatives include:– The new Latitude devices become the world’s first commercial PCs to utilize recycled cobalt in their batteries. Dell’s advantage starts with offering more AI PCs across the commercial portfolio from day one, giving customers the ability to start futureproofing for AI today.”

Source: The North Africa Journal February 27, 2024 15:41 UTC

