Warns of ‘serious action’ if they do not talk in English or HindiA Delhi government-run hospital on Saturday banned nursing staff from speaking in Malayalam in the hospital and warned of ‘serious action’ if they do not talk in English or Hindi. Nurses of the hospital and other Delhi government hospitals have criticised the move and said they always talk to patients in Hindi. Otherwise serious action will be taken,” reads an order issued by the Govind Ballabh Pant Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research in Delhi on Saturday. “There are around 300-350 Malayali nursing staff at the hospital [GIPMER] and we always talk to the patients in Hindi. Will they tell Punjabis not to talk in Punjabi among themselves?” said Jeemol Shaji, a nurse from Kerala, who is the general secretary of the nurses’ union in LNJP Hospital, the largest Delhi government-run hospital.
Source: The Hindu June 05, 2021 16:52 UTC