Death toll at Civil Hospital, Tharparkar reaches 30 - News Summed Up

Death toll at Civil Hospital, Tharparkar reaches 30

Judici­al office­r expres­ses dismay over lack of servic­es, cleanl­iness at hospit­alHYDERABAD: With four more deaths of children reported from Civil Hospital, Tharparkar on Sunday, the monthly death toll has reached 30. Dying infants of TharAccording to hospital sources, two-year-old Kapil, six-month-old Sheherbano Amjad and two newborns died at the hospital on Sunday. The civil judge and judicial magistrate, Gurmukhdas Giani, reprimanded the administration over lack of cleanliness at all of the hospital’s wards and absentee staff. He was also dismayed to note that a private diagnostic laboratory in the hospital’s premises was operating without a pathologist. Two more deaths were reported at Civil Hospital, Mithi on Monday – two-month-old Hakim and six-month-old Haresh Mal.

Source: The Express Tribune April 24, 2018 03:22 UTC

