Deadpool 2 stuntwoman thrown from motorcycle through a window, says WorkSafeBC - News Summed Up

Deadpool 2 stuntwoman thrown from motorcycle through a window, says WorkSafeBC

British Columbia's workplace safety agency has released the first official account of a Deadpool 2 stuntwoman's death, saying SJ Harris was thrown from her motorcycle and propelled through a plate glass window. The initial incident report issued by WorkSafeBC confirms witness accounts and adds new details to Monday's tragic accident in Vancouver during filming of the sequel to the popular superhero movie starring Ryan Reynolds. Joi SJ Harris died in a motorcycle accident while filming a stunt for the film Deadpool 2. The report says the motorcycle struck a concrete sidewalk curb and Harris was thrown off the motorcycle and propelled through a plate glass window. WorkSafeBC is continuing to investigate and has asked the local production company to conduct both a preliminary investigation, which was due Wednesday and a full investigation, due one month from the incident.

Source: CBC News August 18, 2017 20:48 UTC

