David Calhoun’s first and last addresses to Boeing shareholders have common themes, four years apart - News Summed Up

David Calhoun’s first and last addresses to Boeing shareholders have common themes, four years apart

May 21, 2024, © Leeham News: David Calhoun was named CEO of The Boeing Co. in December 2019. His first annual shareholders meeting as CEO was the 2020 AGM, for the financial year 2019. Then, in October 2020, Boeing suspended all deliveries of new 787s after finding production flaws. The May 17, 2024, Boeing AGM was Calhoun’s last as CEO. Addresses to Shareholders by Boeing CEO David Calhoun: (PDF) 2020 and 2024 Calhoun Shareholding remarksShare this: PrintEmailTwitterPinterestFacebookWhatsAppLinkedInTumblrReddit

Source: Ethiopian News May 21, 2024 14:16 UTC

