Back by popular demand this winter is the Shapley’s USEA Grooms Program Education Series, an annual lecture and demonstration series hosted in Aiken at Bruce’s Field designed to further horse care and horsemanship among all equestrians. On the schedule for 2024 include sessions arranged by Emma Ford and led by Stephanie Simpson, Boyd Martin, Saxon Alexandra, Anna Pesta Dunaway, PhD, and more. The cost for attending each lecture is $5 + a small processing fee, all proceeds from which will be used to benefit the USEA Grooms Program. The USEA Grooms Program was formed in December 2021 by USEA President, Max Corcoran, and top-level eventers Lauren Nicholson and Shannon Lilley. The program aims to provide education and resources for educating U.S. eventing grooms, with a pipeline for future candidates.
Source: Daily Nation January 08, 2024 20:02 UTC