Dannielle and Tonton Malele - News Summed Up
Dannielle and Tonton Malele

Dannielle and Tonton Malele

December 28, 2023 23:32 UTC

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Dannielle and Tonton Malele

After the anthem collaboration and Collison pairing one and two, Coke studio concluded its series season paring with Collision Three, combining the powerhouse female artists and the first `female winner of the Pacific Break’s top prize winner Dannielle and Tonton Malele. Just like Collision Two, a masterpiece collaboration between the master and the apprentice Dannielle and Tonton Malele brings up the real magic. The song choice was ‘Mekim Me Wari’ by Tonton Malele and Danielle’s hit song ‘Let Me Love You’ based on the tempo and rhythm that perfectly balanced their unique styles. Tonton Malele the “Mangi Masalai” from Lihir island had learnt a lot from the live wire vocal and Dannielle Morgan. “It was an exciting and enjoyable experience, I’m very grateful for the opportunity Coca-Cola provided, I’ve learned a lot from Susa (Sister) Dannielle and Coke studio artist as well”.

Source: Daily Nation December 28, 2023 23:32 UTC

