Consumer goods major Dabur India said on Thursday that it expects consolidated revenue growth for the December quarter (Q3) in mid-to-high single digit amid a sequential improvement in demand trends. In the India business, the F&B (food & beverages) segment would likely grow in high-single digit and HPC (home and personal care) would likely see growth in mid-single digit, the company said. Due to a delay in the onset of winter, Dabur said that it expects the healthcare business to grow in low-to-mid single digit. Badshah Masala, meanwhile, continues to perform well and would likely post strong volume-led growth in the high twenties, it said. In Q2, Dabur had reported a consolidated revenue of Rupees 3,203.84 crore, a year-on-year growth of 7.2%.
Source: The North Africa Journal January 04, 2024 19:41 UTC