DPP should work with some TPP lawmakers - News Summed Up

DPP should work with some TPP lawmakers

DPP should work with some TPP lawmakersBy Paul lin 林保華President-elect William Lai (賴清德) and vice president-elect Hsiao Bi-khim (蕭美琴) take up their official positions tomorrow. Many of the new Cabinet members are not members of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). Meanwhile, the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) serves most of the time as little more than a small pro-blue party. Although there has been no recent cooperation between the DPP and TPP, perhaps the former can make friends with TPP legislators who seek common ground while reserving differences, especially after Ko recently ordered TPP lawmakers not to vote on a KMT proposal. After he criticized Vivian Huang as “a female version of [Legislative Speaker] Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜)” during the speakership election, DPP lawmakers remained silent.

Source: Taipei Times May 18, 2024 17:16 UTC

