DJUSD Drops Request for Restraining Order against Bourne - News Summed Up

DJUSD Drops Request for Restraining Order against Bourne

By David M. GreenwaldExecutive EditorDavis, CA – The Vanguard learned on Thursday that DJUSD filed for dismissal in their request for a permanent injunction against Bourne. That led to around six bomb threats to the library and district sites and personnel, mainly in the month of September. A Davis librarian shut down the event which led to at least six known threats to the library as well as DJUSD facilities. While Bourne has never been directly linked to the bomb threats, local officials have been concerned for sometime with the incendiary nature of some of her social media posts. Attorneys privately conceded that, given the free speech dimensions, a permanent restraining order was a tough reach.

Source: ABC News November 17, 2023 19:33 UTC

