DICT graciously bows to practicality - News Summed Up
DICT graciously bows to practicality

DICT graciously bows to practicality

December 22, 2018 16:46 UTC

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DICT graciously bows to practicality

DICT graciously bows to practicalityhome/Business/Business Columns/DICT graciously bows to practicalityEVEN as most of this week was dominated by the entertaining yet still embarrassing spectacle of an internecine squabble over the fate of the Road Board, it is worth noting that at least one government department was implementing a practical, useful policy aimed at solving a real-world problem. Previously, the DICT proposed limiting the number of approved common tower providers to two, despite there being at least half a dozen companies expressing interest in entering the market. ISOC Infrastructures Inc., which is headed by Megawide Construction co-founder Michael Cosiquien, became the first official common tower provider after signing a memorandum of understanding with the DICT onWednesday. We can only hope that the common tower plan will be able to move forward smoothly. Regardless of what happens, the DICT deserves some credit for demonstrating sensible strategy management and providing an example of how simplicity and practicality can be applied.

Source: Manila Times December 22, 2018 16:46 UTC

