Cybersecurity predictions: What to expect in 2024 - News Summed Up

Cybersecurity predictions: What to expect in 2024

Spanning across all sectors in Ireland, both private and public which included 200 C-suite leaders, 46 per cent of respondents had experienced one or more cybersecurity attacks in the past three years. Here are some of the topics and challenges that will prove prominent in cybersecurity in 2024, which Mr Jenkins has shared with However, phishing attacks, weak passwords and social engineering are just a small part of the wider issue facing the cybersecurity of businesses. One thing that makes it more of a threat to the cybersecurity sector is the ability for natural language and closeness to match human ability. State Sponsored Cyber AttacksAs nations continue to advance their cybersecurity capabilities, defending against state-sponsored attacks is becoming a critical aspect of cybersecurity strategies.

Source: The Herald January 09, 2024 17:50 UTC

