Customer takes Bell to court and wins, as judge agrees telecom giant can't promise a price, then change it - News Summed Up

Customer takes Bell to court and wins, as judge agrees telecom giant can't promise a price, then change it

It all started in November 2016, when David Ramsay called a Bell customer service representative to inquire about TV and internet services. A small claims court deputy judge ruled it would be unfair and prejudicial if Bell changed contract terms. To request phone call transcript with Bell: email"They kept saying, 'Everyone has to pay those price increases,'" says Ramsay. Bell sought confidentiality agreementBefore they got to court, Bell offered Ramsay money to drop the case — $300, roughly the amount Ramsay estimated the telecom would be over-billing him for two years. (Andrew Lee/CBC)Even though the case was heard in small claims court, Daimsis says the judgment was "persuasive" and likely how a higher court would rule.

Source: CBC News April 30, 2018 00:00 UTC

