Craigslist user seeking woman to conceive a child with him during eclipse - News Summed Up

Craigslist user seeking woman to conceive a child with him during eclipse

Most people post ads to Craigslist looking for a roommate or maybe a job, but one enterprising gentleman from California was seeking to inpregnate a fellow eclipse enthusiast. According to an ad that appeared earlier this month in Craigslist’s “activity partners” section, a 40-year-old man from the San Francisco Bay Area is looking for a “woman who wants to conceive a child” with him during Monday’s total solar eclipse. My heritage is strong and pure,” he opened his proposal, which may or may not have been genuine. (Oregon Live reported that he did not leave his contact information.) “Drugs are OK. Nitrous Oxide while we climax and experience totality and conception, is OK with me,” he added.

Source: Fox News August 21, 2017 14:03 UTC

