Counting begins for Tamil Nadu rural local body polls - News Summed Up

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Counting begins for Tamil Nadu rural local body polls

The process of counting of votes polled in the two-phased rural local bodies held on December 27 and 30 in Tamil Nadu began on Thursday morning. The posts include: Gram Panchayat Ward member, Gram Panchayat President, Panchayat Union ward member and District Panchayat Union Ward member posts. Election officials staged a protest by walking off the strong room as breakfast had not been provided for them. Reinforcements were summoned to help deal with the situation and the counting process started little later. It took almost two hours to sort out preliminary issues to commence the counting process at Tiruvannamalai, whereas in Cheyyar the work was carried out swiftly with ease.

Source: The Hindu January 02, 2020 03:41 UTC

