Cornell’s Greek Tragedy - The Cornell Daily Sun - News Summed Up

Cornell’s Greek Tragedy - The Cornell Daily Sun

I was initially swept up in the affinity of belonging that often accompanies membership in one of Cornell’s Greek organizations. The truth is, our campus’ social culture is set up in an inherently predatory way, whether or not individuals enter into it with intention or awareness of that fact. Newsletter SignupBecause of my privilege and previous complicity in Cornell’s Greek life system, I find myself uniquely situated to speak out about our campus’ broken social culture. Her fortnightly column Just Carlin’ It Like It Is centers around student life, social issues, Cornell life hacks and the University’s interactions with the broader community. The Cornell Daily Sun is interested in publishing a broad and diverse set of content from the Cornell and greater Ithaca community.

Source: Daily Sun May 07, 2024 04:34 UTC

