Convicted Former Deputy Minister Mduduzi Manana Receives Sentencing For Assaulting Women - News Summed Up

Convicted Former Deputy Minister Mduduzi Manana Receives Sentencing For Assaulting Women

Mduduzi Manana, convicted former deputy minister of higher education has been sentenced to pay a fine of R100‚000‚ or face 12 months in prison for assaulting two women in August. The Magistrate said that Manana had shown remorse with regard to the incident and even apologized to the women and the country. An argument on who would succeed President Jacob Zuma as ANC president had triggered the women clashing with Mduduzi. The former deputy minister, however, resorted to hitting the women after one of them accused him of being “gay”. While some condemned the lenient sentencing, others asserted that there are people who have done worse than hitting women.

Source: The North Africa Journal November 13, 2017 14:15 UTC

