Amid rumours of a secret meeting between Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi and Patidar leader Hardik Patel, Gujarat Deputy Chief Minister has said that the grand-old-party could even invite terrorists like Hafiz Saeed as well. Congress would even send an invitation to terrorists like Hafiz Saeed if it feels they can help them form the government in Gujarat, Nitin Patel was quoted as saying by ANI. However, Patidar leader Dinesh Patel said Rahul Gandhi will meet with Hardik Patel in November, and has not met him as has been reported. Congress leader Ashok Gehlot categorically denied that any such meeting took place between the two. In a series of Tweets, he had said that he met Hardik Patel and Jignesh Mevani in Ummed Hotel.
Source: dna October 24, 2017 06:03 UTC