Concern over Panadol push alongside mental health message - News Summed Up

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Concern over Panadol push alongside mental health message

Simone Anderson has partnered with Pandadol for the Rethink Care campaign. Photo: Simone AndersonA new Panadol campaign urging New Zealanders to "rethink care" has experts concerned the common pain reliever is being marketed alongside messaging about mental health and wellness. "Medication does have a role in managing some mental health conditions but pharmaceutical companies should also be delivering a balanced message that includes tips and information about lifestyle and habits of mind that can also improve mental health. Stressing that some of the mental health advice available on social media was good, Robinson also warned that "there are also examples of misguided and unhelpful advice". Paracetamol is not a mental health solution."

Source: Otago Daily Times August 28, 2020 02:03 UTC

