Concern after fishing vessel harassed off DiaoyutaisINSTABILITY? 16, which is based in Yilan County’s Suao Township (蘇澳), on Tuesday reported that two Japan Coast Guard ships took photographs and asked it to stop its activities when it was about 63 nautical miles (117km) northeast of Yilan. The Coast Guard Administration dispatched a 500-tonne vessel to patrol the area, but did not encounter any Japan Coast Guard ships, it said. President Tsai Ing-wen yesterday in Taipei speaks about an incident involving a Taiwan fishing vessel near the Diaoyutai Islands. Photo: Lee Hsin-fang,Taipei TimesThe Fisheries Agency reported that the Taiwanese ship was disturbed by two Japanese fishing vessels, not Japan Coast Guard ships, but that their actions still contravened the two nations’ fisheries agreement.
Source: Taipei Times June 24, 2020 15:56 UTC