Comey Tried to Shield the F.B.I. From Politics. Then He Shaped an Election. - News Summed Up

Comey Tried to Shield the F.B.I. From Politics. Then He Shaped an Election.

At the time, Mr. Comey, a Republican, was the deputy attorney general. director, Mr. Comey seemed an inspired bipartisan choice. Advertisement Continue reading the main storyBoth had been federal prosecutors in New York — Mr. Comey in the Manhattan limelight, Ms. Lynch in the lower-wattage Brooklyn office. As the meeting broke up, George Z. Toscas, a national security prosecutor, ribbed Mr. Comey. “I am confident we have the resources and the personnel assigned to the matter,” Mr. Comey told reporters days after the meeting.

Source: New York Times April 22, 2017 13:22 UTC

