A pioneer of the upside-down curriculum is Champlain College (Burlington, Vermont), which has offered the option for several years. Certificate courses also stack directly onto associate and bachelor's degrees so that students who persist to BA completion can graduate with multiple credentials. BYU-PW developed the certificate-first option in part to address the all-too prevalent problem of college students dropping out before they’ve earned any educational credential, leaving many with little to show for their efforts beyond loan debt and a mish-mash of lower-division college credits. About 30% of entering college students drop out during or after their first year, and while the nation’s overall six-year graduation rate is approaching 60%, it drops to about 30% at open-admissions four-year colleges. College students pursue an education for two reasons—to prepare themselves for a good job and to gain knowledge that readies them for a meaningful life.
Source: Forbes February 04, 2020 10:52 UTC