Cold snap: yellow weather alert in 16 provinces - News Summed Up

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Cold snap: yellow weather alert in 16 provinces

Grab your jackets, scarves, and hats: the beginning of the week is ushering in chilly temperatures throughout Argentina. The National Meteorological Service (SMN) issued a yellow alert on Tuesday morning for extreme low temperatures in the city of Buenos Aires and 16 provinces. So the Herald recommends busting out your wooly hats, jackets and gloves and wrapping up to stay cozy in the chilly temperatures. It will be even colder for those in Greater Buenos Aires, with areas such as El Palomar getting down to -3℃, so don’t forget your jackets! These provinces are subject to the yellow alert for cold:Buenos Aires CityBuenos Aires ProvinceEntre RíosCorrientesMisionesFormosaChacoSantiago del EsteroSanta FeCórdobaJujuySaltaSan JuanMendozaNeuquénLa PampaChubut-with information from Télam

Source: Bueno Aires Herald June 14, 2023 03:44 UTC

