The line up for the second season of Coke Studio Bharat has been announced and music aficionados are definitely in for a treat. As per a statement, singers like Diljit Dosanjh, Shreya Ghoshal, Neha Kakkar, Digvijay Singh, Shreya Ghoshal, Kanishk Seth, Cyli Khare and MC Square will feature in the second season. Also read: Diljit Dosanjh romances Mouni Roy in new song Love Ya unveiled on 40th birthday Coke Studio Bharat Season 2's first song, Magic featuring Diljit Dosanjh and The Quick Style, will be out on Feb 9. Ankur Tewari on Coke Studio BharatAnkur Tewari, musician, shared his thoughts on the upcoming second season of Coke Studio Bharat, "As we embark on the second season of Coke Studio Bharat after a fantastic first run, let the music speak, weaving together the rich threads of our cultural mosaic. Coke Studio Bharat Season 2Arnab Roy, Vice President, Marketing Coca-Cola India, and Southwest Asia said "We're delighted to announce the launch of Coke Studio Bharat season 2.0 which will continue to celebrate the richness of regional music of Bharat.
Source: The Star February 09, 2024 12:04 UTC