Cloud Aid - News Summed Up
Cloud Aid

Cloud Aid

December 18, 2023 10:53 UTC

Trending Today

Cloud Aid

In a pioneering move, planes armed with cloud seeding equipment were dispatched over ten key areas of the city, responding to the urgent need to alleviate Lahore’s notorious air pollution crisis. Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi acknowledged the United Arab Emirates’ contribution, highlighting their pivotal role in this innovative approach. Cloud seeding, a technique involving the release of common salts into clouds to induce rainfall, has been successfully employed in various countries, including the US, China, and India. Even minimal rainfall has proven effective in reducing air pollution. Amidst successive governments’ attempts to curb air pollution in Lahore, including short-term measures like watering roads and sporadic closures of educational institutions and markets, the long-term effectiveness of these strategies remains questionable.

Source: The Nation December 18, 2023 10:53 UTC

