Clinton accuses WikiLeaks of blunting impact of crude Trump tape - News Summed Up

Clinton accuses WikiLeaks of blunting impact of crude Trump tape

The US intelligence community concluded Putin ordered an influence campaign to discredit Clinton and had a "clear preference" for Trump in last year's poll. Clinton used the bombshell Trump tape as an example of how WikiLeaks allegedly tried to deflect attention away from a bad news story, resurrecting the incident in the wake of Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein's fall from grace over his treatment of women. In the 2005 videotape, which surfaced in October last year, Trump brags about being able to get away with groping women. Within hours of the tape emerging, WikiLeaks published more than 2,000 hacked emails from the personal account of Clinton's campaign chair John Podesta, which she said blunted its impact. You don't see damaging, negative information coming out about the Kremlin on Wikileaks," Clinton added.

Source: The Nation Bangkok October 16, 2017 00:22 UTC

