Christchurch attack: suspect had white-supremacist symbols on weapons - News Summed Up

Christchurch attack: suspect had white-supremacist symbols on weapons

The attack in Christchurch, the worst mass shooting in the nation’s history, shattered the illusion that New Zealand was one of the few countries beyond the reach of global terrorism. Christchurch remained on lockdown on Saturday as the country’s security threat level was raised from low to high. Play Video 2:41 Jacinda Ardern says Christchurch mosque shootings were terrorist attack – videoA man in his late 20s will appear in court in Christchurch on Saturday morning, charged with murder. The attack, launched during Friday prayers when both mosques were packed, was livestreamed via a camera strapped to the perpetrator. You need two-minute [maximum] response.”Carl Pomare and a colleague were driving past the mosque at the time of the attack.

Source: The Guardian March 15, 2019 17:30 UTC

